Body Therapeutics Mill ValleyAcupuncture & San Rafael Graton & Grass Valley massage therapy
Feel Relaxed and Renewed
Feel Relaxed and Renewed
I put your needs first so you feel better as soon as possible. I aspire to work with you, not on you, as in a conversation, I listen
I promise to work with you, not on you. I have a strong work ethic and will be present for you entire session. My approach is to have no agenda. I will communicate with your body and your body will communicate back, then we work together to resolve or come to have peace with issues in the mind, body, emotions and spirit.
I'm in 4 locations: Mill Valley, San Rafael, Graton and Grass Valley.
My trainings are: Deep Tissue, Heartwood School 1992, Chi Nei Tsang, Gilles Marin 2003, Cranial Sacral for Massage Therapists, Greg Crossman, DC 1995, Certified Hypnotherapist Marilyn Gordon 2012, NKT (NeuroKinetic Therapy), David Weinstock 2018. Through meditation, exercise and lots of personal internal work I also guide people through their emotional material.
Our office and home gazebo spaces are sterilized after each appointment and the we all wear masks, including the patient.
Some of us built outdoor gazebos to work outdoors, lots of fresh moving air and a unique experience to work outside!
Without going into the politics of getting the vaccine, we decided as a group to do it. So your practitioner is fully vaccinated.
We took a break from working for the first 3 months of the pandemic, then began our project of working outdoor, setting up Covid protocol in the office and not going to gatherings.
Last year Arcadia Farber, LAc and I built her gazebo decking together. She set her gazebo up first but it was rough on the cement, so I had the idea to build decking.
Just before the pandemic we took this shot outside the Mill Valley Office. Kathryn Beyers, LAc and head of our team, Tonia Lach, CMT and sound healer and me the Chi Nei Tsang and deep tissue girl.
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Deep Tissue Massage reaches deeper layers of muscles. It is used to break down knots and relieve pressure points throughout the body. This massage is beneficial for athletes and those who sit for long periods of time. I pay special attention to shoulders and posture. I also encourage clients to work with their core muscle system to support the changes we make with deep tissue work.
The goal of Swedish Massage is to melt away muscle tension and increase the blood flow to your heart. Swedish Massage is extremely therapeutic as it decreases muscle toxins, increases oxygen levels in the blood, and improves flexibility in the body. I pay close attention to the entire leg, ankles and feet. To ground and also to release toxins from exercising.- Its where I begin and where I end my sessions.
Chi Nei Tsang is a profound abdominal massage and energy work system. It's an ancient hands on practice which addresses sluggish digestion, emotional and energetic stagnation and works with the meridian system as well. I have been certified by Gilles Marin, of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute for 17 years. More information about the system can be accessed by going to his website: ChiNeiTsang.com
I specifically work with children of all ages Each child's journey is different. Some kids have just the beginnings of constipation or abdominal discomfort, others have mild to severe symptoms that must be addressed. Chi Nei Tsang is a profound support particularly for kids. It creates a foundation for their entire future of taking care of their digestion and not having chronic constipation or other issues, which can plague them as an adult for their entire life if not taken seriously. Contact me for links to YouTube videos that demonstrate basics on how I work with kids. For example I always involve the parents, either by showing them some supportive practices and of course I work directly on the young person. We teach people how to work on themselves so they can do it every morning, along with a bowel training program and some possible dietary changes to get them back on track and support them with their emotional and physical health.
This is Ava's 5th day of treatment. We are going over some basic moves, protocols and ideas for her to help her with her constipation. She wrote out her own protocol to follow and got her own large supplement box from the pharmacy to put her weekly supplements in. Its empowering kids to be healthy!
295 Miller Avenue, Mill Valley, California 94941, United States
Tuesday - Friday: 11am - 9pm
Saturday: 11am -5:00pm
Sunday: Closed